by | 27. Nov 2017 | 0 comments

Volunteering while traveling: Do Good As You Go!

We travel to expand our horizons. This means not only the discovery of amazing landscapes, the tasting of local food or overnight stays in completely different places.

A journey also includes encounters with people. By that, we mean more than contact with people because of an order in a café or paying at the gas station. Encounters are most exiting, when we experience that individuals share their stories with us. That is why we have chosen to take some time on the ground. Time for people, time for stories. Therefore, we want to volunteer on the way. That enriches us with perspectives.

But not only that: we want to spread this idea among travellers. Because we are convinced that engagement on the ground can change not only our own knowledge, skills and attitudes, but also that of people in our environment.

The Muskoka Foundation

So it happened that we applied for the Catalyst Traveler Program of the Muskoka Foundation.

The Muskoka Foundation is helping indepent travellers to volunteer worldwide with Do Good As You Go – no matter how they are traveling. The aim is to find projects that fit as much as possible to the skills of travellers (e.g. in our case it will be the offer of photography workshops for children).

Admittedly, we are also quite proud that we are able to call ourselves something like ambassadors of this organization, which connects people around the world and does really great work.

Saving the world?

It’s not about saving the world. Big changes need time. Rather, it’s about positive encounters and an interest in cultural exchange. Of course, you can have that without volunteering. But it’s one of many ways to talk to each other instead of one another. And who knows, maybe there’s also something good to do…

If you would like to treat us with something for the 234567 hours of work, because you enjoy our stories: You can give us a roll if you like (guaranteed not to be spent on rolls but on beer).


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  1. Enthusiasm and Frustration - Our Photoworkshop in Salta - Moppedhiker - […] already explained in this article before our journey why we do this voluntarily. It’s just that we don’t want…

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